Case Study: Homeopathic Treatment of Autism in a 2.9-Year-Old Child

Patient Profile

  • - Name: Mast. S.
  • - Age: 2.9 years
  • - Gender: Male
  • - Date of Initial Examination: January 12, 2023

Initial Presentation

A child aged 2.9 yrs came to the HomoeoCARE homeopathic clinic with complaints of lack of eye contact and possible secondary autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The main complaints were limited eye contact, poor name response, and difficulty in following commands. His speech was restricted to single words, and he did not indicate stools or urine. He pointed at objects rather than using words to express his needs

What is Secondary Autism?

Secondary autism, also known as regressive autism, occurs when a child develops normally for the first 18 months, and then starts to lose the previously acquired skills and exhibits signs of autism. This regression typically occurs in children between 15 and 30 months.

Sensory Symptoms

  •  - Behavioural Symptoms
  • Lining up objects
  • Staring at wheels
  • Constantly making humming sounds
  • Fearful of loud noises, such as mixers and machines
  • - Behavioural Traits:
  • Defiant and naughty behaviour

Follow-up – 1-2-2023

  • Not following commands
  • Look at car wheels
  • Jumping ++

Homeopathic treatment started

Mast. S.  was prescribed homeopathic medicine for autism based on his symptoms and overall condition. The treatment aimed to improve his communication skills, social interaction, and behavioural problems

Progress Over One Year

After one year of homeopathic treatment for autism in Mumbai, the parents provided detailed feedback on Mast. S. ’s progress. Notable improvements were observed in the following areas:

  • Eye Contact: Improved to 8/10
  • Response to Name: Improved to 8/10
  • Command Following: Significantly better, follows commands well
  • Social Interaction: Greets guests, says hello and namaste
  • Speech: His vocabulary increased. Now he no longer points at objects and asks for things that he wants. He now uses phrases like "Cook me food," "Make me bread," and "Make me wear such shoes."
  • Behaviour in School: his attention improved. Now he participates in school and sings poems and rhymes along with other children. He follows instructions properly and now interacts well with teachers and friends
  • Understanding and Comprehension: His understanding improved. He now reacts appropriately to warnings and shows empathy
  • Behavioural Changes: his mischief was reduced mischief. He now responds better to instructions and follows discipline. He is more friendly and responsive.

Parent's Observations

  • Mast. S.  now stops at toy shops and asks for specific toys.
  • He shows an understanding of personal safety and warnings.
  • His social interactions with neighbours and friends increased.
  • His emotional responses, such as acknowledging pain and warnings from his parents have improved.
Before Autism


Autism Treatment by Homeopathy



Mast. S. has shown a remarkable improvement in the various developmental areas over the past year of homeopathic treatment for Autism. His eye contact, name response, and command following have improved significantly. He has developed better speech capabilities and social interactions. The ongoing homeopathic treatment has positively impacted his behaviour, making him more responsive and socially engaged. This case study highlights the positive impact of early intervention in managing autism spectrum disorder, demonstrating Mast. S's significant development over a year through homeopathic treatment.

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