Mrs. DM, 39-year-old Software Expert came for treatment of her Primary Hypothyroidism at HomoeoCARE. She complained of Hypothyroidism since 1995 and was taking Thyronorm 50 mg/day. She also complained of Diabetes Mellitus since 2007 and took Riomet 1000 mg twice a day. She was also suffered from Hypertension since 2005 and was on Ramipres 50mg/day for it. The patient was having various medicines and thought that for her multiple complaints, it would take at least 5-6 years for Homoeopathy to help her out .It may not even help her at all with her complaints.
She was experiencing a lot of tiredness and could not work. A person who was active for 18-20 hrs per day was not able to work for an hour at a stretch…Why?? The Thyroid is the "powerhouse of the body" which is responsible for the energy supply for metabolism of "every cell of our body". Low energy in thyroid patients is because of the hypoactive or slow working of the thyroid. Hence patient feels so drained out despite taking artificial hormone in the form of Thyroxin/Eltroxin because it is not their body’s hormone, they are ARTIFICIAL and their synthesis of T3 and T4 has stopped.
If you have any queries regarding your disease or any symptoms, Click here to send a WhatsApp message. Our doctors will be happy to answers these.
If you have any queries regarding your disease or any symptoms, Click here to send a WhatsApp message. Our doctors will be happy to answers these.
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