What is Diabetes?
Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are above normal. During fasting, normal blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dl, and after eating, food converts into sugar, with normal sugar levels two hours post-meal being less than 140 mg/dl. If your sugar levels exceed these thresholds, it indicates diabetes. This condition arises when your pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or when your body doesn’t respond properly to insulin. There are four types of diabetes:
Types of Diabetes:
- Pre-diabetes
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Gestational diabetes
Type 2 diabetes can be further classified into:
- Severe Insulin Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) (26%)
- Insulin Resistant Obesity Related Diabetes (IROD) (26%)
- Combined Insulin Resistance and Deficient Diabetes (CIRDD) (12%)
- Middle Age-Related Diabetes (MARD) (36%)
Homeopathic Diabetes Treatment
Mrs. PR, a 57-year-old female, came to HomoeoCARE seeking homeopathic treatment for diabetes. Her HbA1c was 13.2, her fasting sugar was 324, and her postprandial sugar was 516 in September 2022. She also experienced symptoms such as itching, a burning sensation while passing urine, weight loss, and tingling numbness in both legs.
HomoeoCARE Approach
At HomoeoCARE, we take a detailed look at the patient, including their nature, stress, and lifestyle. Based on this, we prescribe a remedy that aligns with their specific condition. According to the principle “LIKE CURES LIKE,” the remedy works effectively on the patient, speeding up the healing process.
Homeopathy Success
One month after starting the homeopathic treatment for diabetes, Mrs. PR’s sugar levels were rechecked. Her fasting sugar had reduced to 210, and her postprandial sugar was 287. Although still high, it was much better than her previous readings. Gradually, her sugar levels continued to improve. Within a few months, her HbA1c dropped to 6.4, and her fasting sugar levels were maintained between 90-110, with postprandial levels between 120-130. She also showed significant improvement in her symptoms.
At HomoeoCARE, we use a holistic approach to treat diabetes, targeting the entire body, with prescriptions tailored to the patient’s individual needs. Homeopathic medicine for diabetes has proven effective in managing not only blood sugar levels but also complications such as diabetic neuropathy.