Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis

What is Tonsillitis?

Do you have tonsillitis or a sore throat?
Want to get rid of Tonsillitis without surgery?
Are you troubled with recurrent tonsil infections in your child?

This article will explain what is Tonsillitis. Causes of Tonsillitis? And what is the best homeopathic treatment for Tonsillitis?
This will also explain why you should avoid surgery for tonsillitis in your child and the complications of the surgery for Tonsillitis.

Tonsils are two oval-shaped pads of tissues at the back of the throat. Tonsillitis usually occurs when these tonsil glands become inflamed and infected.

 Inflamed Tonsils

Causes of Tonsillitis

  1. Viral infection.

  2. Bacterial infections such as Streptococcal.

Signs and Symptoms of Tonsillitis

The symptoms of tonsillitis includes:

  1. Red swollen tonsils.

  2. White/ yellow patches ( pus forming on tonsils).

  3. Sore throat.

  4. Difficult and painful swallowing.

  5. Enlarged lymph nodes at the side of the neck.

  6. High-grade fever and chills.

  7. Weakness, fatigue.

  8. Bad breath ( Halitosis).

  9. Swollen lymph nodes.

By pulling the tonsil away from the back of the mouth, you can readily see your tonsil glands through a mirror. Also, because of your tonsil placement, you will almost always feel a little scratchy around your tonsil area. 

Tonsilloliths or tonsil stones are small accumulations of dead white blood cells (pus cells) and bacteria that are usually produced as a result of an infection, or possibly as a direct side effect of antibiotics. Many medical professionals believe that the condition is brought on by an allergic reaction to a substance known as adenine. A sore throat becomes infected because of this infection and swelling of the tonsil crypts. Sometimes, as a complication, an abscess (tissue sac that forms with the dead cells) can develop and create "pockets" in the tonsil area.

If you are experiencing difficulty breathing, have trouble swallowing, and have a fever, you most likely have had a case of tonsillitis. If you have had these symptoms for longer than a day or two, you should see your physician as soon as possible. An antibiotic will help to alleviate your current problem but do not overlook the possibility that it can lead to a more serious infection or even a perforated tonsil.

Types of Tonsillitis


The duration of the disease is around Ten days or less


  • The duration of the disease is more than Ten days, occurring multiple times in a year.

  • Chronic Tonsillitis causes tonsil stones, where, saliva, dead cells, and food accumulate together forming debris and hardening into small stones.

  • Symptoms like sore throat, halitosis, and inflamed lymph nodes are aggravated for a longer duration.


Occurs several times in a year.

  1. More than Seven attacks a year.

  2. More than Five attacks for consecutive Two years.

  3. More than Three attacks a year for Three consecutive years.

Prevention of Tonsillitis

  1. Washing hands frequently using a mild soap.

  2. Cover your mouth with tissue/hand when you cough or sneeze.

  3. Avoid sharing utensils/ glasses with keeping a safe distance from the infected person.

Conventional Treatment for Tonsillitis

Usually, your doctor will treat Tonsillitis with Antibiotics which help temporarily. But the susceptibility to getting the infection again is not removed. Hence the child falls ill frequently. When the child gets a fever repeatedly and misses school the doctor will advise you to go for a Tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomy is a surgery to remove the tonsil tissues. 

However, removal of the tonsil is not the solution and you can take the best homeopathic doctor in Dadar for tonsillitis.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Tonsillitis

There are numerous Homeopathic medicines for Tonsillitis. However, these are the top 9 homeopathic medicines for Tonsillitis.

  • Ammonium carb

  • Baryta carb

  • Baryta iod

  • Calcarea carb

  • Conium

  • Hepar sulph

  • Kali bichrome

  • Phytolacca

  • Silicea

These are just a few indicated homeopathic medicines for Tonsillitis. A piece of advice from a professional homeopathic doctor near you is always recommended to achieve the best homeopathic treatment for Tonsillitis.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Tonsillitis

HomoeoCARE's Approach

Tonsils are the first line of defense against viruses and bacteria entering the mouth. Its function is to fight the germs that try to enter the body through the mouth and nose, thus preventing the infection to travel lower down into the chest.

If these are removed, you remove the first layer of your body’s defense system. Now when the germs enter through the nose or mouth, there is no one to fight the germs at the local level. The germs can easily travel to the chest causing bronchitis and then asthma. So rather than removing the tonsils through surgery, it's advisable to start homeopathic treatment for Tonsillitis. 

Some patients owing to a poor immune system are easily susceptible to bacteria and viruses that cause chronic inflammations and infection of the tonsils leading to tonsillitis. Homeopathy helps in building the immune response of the patients in such a way that the body is capable of fighting off the slightest infections and allergens. The tonsillar cells are made unassailable to these pathogens, which prevents recurrent infections. 
chat with HomoeoCARE for homeopathic treatment for Tonsillitis

HomoeoCARE's Success

Mast A was suffering from tonsillitis for 4 years but was getting the tonsil infection again and again and missed school. The doctors suggested surgery. Finally, the child was referred to Homeocare, which is the only homeopathic clinic focused on pediatrics. Within 1.5 years of starting the treatment today, he is completely cured of his tonsillitis. Now he can enjoy ice creams and cold drinks without worrying about his tonsils.

At HomeoCARE, we believe that the child has every right to enjoy eating what he likes and should not be restricted or asked to avoid ice creams and cold drinks. Let him enjoy his childhood.

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