Refund Policy


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine where we treat the diseases from its roots. Which means that when a child comes to us for treatment of cold, then we are not only treating the cold he is suffering from but also his tendency to get this recurrent attacks of cold. Allopathically, the child is advised to stop the food which causes cold to the child like ice-creams, cold drinks, cold water, fruits, grapes, bananas etc. But Homoeopathically, we intend to increase the resistance (immunity) of the child, so that the child can take all the food items which he has been forbidden earlier.

To achieve this it is very vital to continue the treatment for a certain period without a break. Remember, medicines taken irregularly will not be helpful to increase immunity of the child and it will only lengthen the duration of treatment.

To encourage this habit of taking the medicines regularly, we have designed various membership plans by which the charges are substantially discounted. Our only AIM IS THAT YOU SHOULD CONTINUE THE TREATMENT WITHOUT A BREAK WHICH IS BENEFICIAL TO YOUR HEALTH.

Please read carefully the terms and conditions before you opt for packages.

Terms and conditions

  • Please note that THIS IS NOT INSURANCE.
  • The plan provides only discounts for the medicinal charges and consultations only at Homoeocare.
  • The membership is valid only for the period mentioned on the receipt book. After the validity period is over, and you do not renew your membership, then normal medicinal charges will be charged.
  • The membership is non transferable.
  • Rates are subject to change without notice.
  • Certain situations or emergencies may require a referral to a specialist or to the hospital. Homoeocare membership does NOT cover these additional expenses.
  • We do not guarantee cure.

Your Membership Includes:

  • Free consultation at homoeocare during the membership period.
  • Free medicine at homoeocare during the membership period.

Termination Conditions:

Homoeocare reserves the right to terminate plan members from its plan for any reason, including non-payment. Homoeocare will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered by any person as a result of the termination of a membership.

Refund Policies

  • Starting of treatment confirms that the patient has agreed to this Refund Policy.
  • Patient seeking refund of medicines has to inform in writing for a request of refund.
  • Refund is applicable only for patient residing in India.
  • Refund request will be entertained only during the first 3 months of the treatment. If you are not happy with the treatment, intimate us within the first 3 months of the treatment. Any request after 3 months of treatment will be not entertained.
  • All unused medications in its original packing along with the registration card has to be sent to us before applying for refund.
  • Rs. 500 will be deducted if registration card is lost.
  • Your dues will be settled in 14 days and cheque of balance amount will be sent to you at your registered address. No refund will be made by cash. Your dues will be settled after deducting the medicinal and consultation charges from the date of joining the membership. The medicinal and consultation charges will be calculated as per the prevalent rate for consultation and medicine from the date of joining till the date of cancellation whether you have taken treatment or not during that period.
  • In case of Refund following charges will be deducted
    – Consultation fees. (Rs. 1500)
    – Handling charges (Rs. 500)
    – Weekly charges – Rs. 400 per week will be charged, from the date of dispatch to the date of refund request
  • Medicine name will not be disclosed on any refund request. Please read the policy on prescriptions for any request.
  • The membership plan cannot be transferred to other patient.
  • The refund policy is subject to change without prior notice.