What are Warts?

Warts are non-cancerous, rough growths on the skin that are commonly caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). They are typically painless but can appear unsightly. Warts tend to develop on areas where the skin has been broken or injured, allowing the virus to enter and infect the skin cells. These growths are contagious and can spread through direct contact or indirectly, via contaminated surfaces.

Causes of Warts

Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which infects the skin through small cuts, abrasions, or weakened areas. The virus triggers rapid skin cell growth, resulting in the formation of warts. Warts thrive in warm, moist environments, making areas like feet and genitals particularly prone to infection.

Types of Warts

types of warts(1)

  1. Plantar Warts: Located on the soles of the feet, often with small black dots inside.
  2. Facial Warts: Appear on the face, especially around the eyes and lips.
  3. Genital Warts: Caused by certain strains of HPV, these are sexually transmitted.
  4. Flat Warts: Small, smooth warts commonly found on the face, arms, or legs.
  5. Filiform Warts: Long, thread-like warts that grow on the face, especially near eyelids or lips.
  6. Mosaic Warts: Clusters of warts found on the feet.
  7. Periungual Warts: Develop around fingernails or toenails.
  8. Oral Warts: Found in the mouth or lips.

Viral warts homeopathic treatment

How Are Warts Formed?

Warts form when the HPV virus enters the skin through cuts or abrasions, leading to abnormal skin cell growth. These warts can develop anywhere on the body but are most common on the hands, feet, and face.

Signs and Symptoms of Warts

  • Symptoms: Warts typically present as small, fleshy, painless growths.
  • Common Locations: Hands, feet, genitals, knees, elbows, and face.

Conventional Treatment for Warts

Traditional treatments include:

  • Chemical Application: Using salicylic acid or glycolic acid.
  • Cauterization: Burning the wart off.
  • Laser Treatment: For resistant warts.

However, these treatments may not guarantee permanent results, as they only address the surface growth without tackling the underlying cause—the HPV virus.

Homeopathic Treatment for Warts


Homeopathy offers a holistic approach by treating the root cause of warts, not just their appearance. Some of the top homeopathic medicines for warts include:

  1. Anacardium: For hard, painful warts on palms and soles.
  2. Antimonium Crudum: For thick, cracked warts on hands and feet.
  3. Antimonium Tart: For moist, yellowish warts, especially on the face or genital areas.
  4. Berberis Vulgaris: For small, stalk-like warts.
  5. Calcarea Carb: For large, painful, or bleeding warts.
  6. Causticum: For large, deep-rooted warts, particularly on the face and hands.
  7. Dulcamara: For warts aggravated by cold, damp weather.
  8. Natrum Mur: For sun-exposed areas like the face or lips.
  9. Nitric Acid: For painful, bleeding warts, especially in delicate areas.
  10. Thuja: Effective for large, cauliflower-like warts, particularly on genitals or face.

Home Remedies for Warts Removal


  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Known for its antiviral properties.
  2. Garlic: Has anti-viral properties that may help in wart removal.
  3. Banana Peel: The inner side of a banana peel may help to treat warts.
  4. Orange Peel: Works similarly to vinegar.
  5. Aloe Vera: Known for its healing properties.
  6. Baking Soda: Can help to dry out warts.
  7. Tea Tree Oil: Has natural antiviral properties.

Why Homeopathy for Warts?

At HomoeoCARE, the focus is on treating warts at the root cause—through strengthening the immune system and addressing the internal disturbance causing the warts. This holistic approach helps prevent recurrence and provides long-term relief without ugly scars or discoloration that may result from conventional treatments.

Success Stories

  • Case 1: A 10-year-old boy with warts on his palms was treated with homeopathic remedies. Within six months, all warts disappeared without recurrence.


  • Case 2: An 11-year-old boy with warts on his face found lasting relief after six months of homeopathic treatment, without scars or black spots.

    Warts homeopathic treatment case 1

Warts and Homeopathy
Case Study


Warts are usually not contagious. But if the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) comes in contact with a breached skin (skin cut), then the virus can be transmitted from one person to other. Hence you should never pick or cut the virus as it can then spread to other parts of the body

If you scratch the wart, then the virus can spread to other parts of the boy and it can multiply.

There was a study carried out in a homeopathic college in India to understand the efficacy of the homeopathic treatment for warts in 1986-88. In that research, it was established that homeopathic treatment for warts is effective in almost 75-90 % of cases in different types of warts.